You and your viewers both love the flexible layouts, monetization options and unmatched reliability you will get with Centpercent Technologies, one of tthe OTT platform leader in the market
Developed to be managed under one roof, our OTT platform provides all you need to manage channels, customers, and billing. We are heavily invested in R&D, constantly updating our apps to provide you the best UX/UI for your customers. We also provide 24/7 support, so we're always by your side.

Content is the life of your OTT platform. Once you have the content, you push it to our transcoder.
Our support team jumps on to work and deliver you the best application which attracts your customers
We ensure your customers get best entertainment with your content and our regular segmented engagement
No need for you to have deep pockets to upgrade your content to OTT. We ONLY offer you affordable costing
We help businesses develop innovative and cutting-edge Over-the-Top platforms and connected apps that are architected to deliver superior speed and reliability. Our OTT experts help you align the OTT capabilities to increase personalization among customers.
Leverage our OTT expertise to launch, manage, and monetize your IPTV network without any hassles. We help you develop end-to-end custom IPTV OTT solutions that suit your specific needs and allows customers to stream the content as and when they want.
Our experts help you achieve accelerated performance with our blazing-fast cloud- or on-premise-based CDN (Content Delivery Network) solutions. We enable you to ensure high availability of customer-oriented content and performance excellence.
We help you follow multiple protocols such as Apple HLS, HTTP, RTMP, RTSP, and more to help build advanced, secure, and efficient OTT platforms that help provide high-quality video-on-demand with adaptive streaming.
We help you integrate OTT solutions with real-time encoding and transcoding functionality to cut down video streaming latency. The technologies that we use include Amazon Elastic Transcoder, FFmpeg,, among others.
We use the latest DRM technologies. Including Widevine, Verimatrix, and PlayReady, to help content creators/distributors protect the copyright owner's rights and their premium content from unauthorized modification and distribution.
It is a long established fact that technology is the future and the future is already here. This world is running in a race and you wouldn't want to run in the last. Get ready to be on the top order by getting your content OTT ready. What are you waiting for? Contact us for best offers and way forward.